


Project introduction

云顶牧场航拍 Aerial shot of Cloud Top Pasture ©易兰四川(西部中心)


Huaizhou Cloud Top Pasture is located at the top of the Gongjia Mountain in the middle of the Longquan Mountain Range in Chengdu, with an altitude of 1,000 meters and a project area of about 98.3 hectares. The Longquan Mountain is the core and most important mountain skyline in eastern Chengdu, and the natural boundary ridge between Chengdu plain and hilly landforms. With the urban strategies of “Park City” and “Eastward Expansion of Chengdu” put forward by Chengdu, an urban forest park will be built in the Longquan Mountain, and it will become Chengdu’s “world-class urban green center and international urban parlor”, and undertake the mission of reshaping the urban spatial structure and upgrading the urban energy level.

交通区位图 Traffic map ©易兰四川(西部中心)

云顶牧场航拍 Aerial shot of Cloud Top Pasture ©易兰四川(西部中心)


The Cloud Top Pasture was born under such a big background. Combining the world-class and international quality of the Longquan Mountain and the functional requirements of the urban parlor, the Design team gives full play to the mountain landscape advantages of the top of the Gongjia Mountain (the Huaizhou New Town in the east and the Tuojiang River in the west). They built the originally barren red sandstone mountain platform into a “place of meditation in the sky and a place of natural life” above the city and in the sky by modern ecological landscape construction means, with respect to the mountain ecological environment and regional cultural characteristics. The benchmark for the integration of agriculture, culture, and tourism in Chengdu Longquan Mountain Forest Park (Jintang Section) has been set, and a construction model of improving the comprehensive environment of mountainous areas under manual active intervention has been created.

总平面图 Site plan ©易兰四川(西部中心)

云顶牧场鸟瞰效果图 Bird's Eye View of Cloud Top Pasture ©易兰四川(西部中心)


Design principles

· 积极人工干预:自然环境的最大化引入、人工痕迹的最大化退让。

· Active manual intervention:Maximize the introduction of the natural environment and maximize the concession of artificial traces.

· 唤醒场地记忆:充分利用原生林、林盘、梯田、蓄水池、砂岩5大场地元素。

· Awakening the memory of the site:Make full use of five major site elements: primary forest, farmhouse forest, terrace, reservoir, and sandstone.

· 注入精神寄托:在城市之上,重拾精神人文归属,寻求身心与自然的链接。

· Injecting spiritual sustenance:Above the city, we regain the spiritual and humanistic affiliation and seek the link between body, mind and nature.

云顶牧场航拍 Aerial shot of Cloud Top Pasture ©易兰四川(西部中心)


Design concept


“Cloud” stands for “freedom and coziness”, and it is also a pursuit of the lifestyle of Chengdu people. With the spiritual core of “cloud” and the design technique of “romantic naturalism”, the four states of cloud, namely, “cumulus cloud”, “cirrus cloud”, “rain” and “layer” are abstractly expressed in the Cloud Top Pasture.


Cumulus cloud: Clouds piling up like cotton symbolizing the gathering community and points of the clouds on the pasture.


Cirrus cloud: Curly hair-like clouds symbolize the road network and the water system, the most beautiful lines and the organizational space system that follows the trend.


Rain: The sinking sky water mirror and clouds that bring rain symbolize the mirror of meditation of 52 sky pools.


Layer: The cloud life spreading on the sky like a layer of feather yarn symbolize the spread of various scenes of the “cloud life”.

设计理念(积-卷-雨-层) Design Concept (accumulation-roll-rain-Layer) ©易兰四川(西部中心)


Design strategy


The landscape of the natural pasture is created based on the concept of “nature is the most beautiful landscape on the cloud top”, the design principle of “active manual intervention, awakening the memory of the site, injecting the spirit of the cloud”, and the design strategy of “pasture atmosphere, road on the cloud top, water system connectivity, colorful forest and farmhouse forest”.

设计策略Design strategy ©易兰四川(西部中心)


Nine scenes on the cloud top


We implemented the design concept and strategy, and finally built nine scenes on the cloud top, so visitors can enjoy the free life on the cloud top.

云顶九景 Genting nine scenes ©易兰四川(西部中心)


View clouds—the tourist center

游客中心 Tourist Center ©易兰四川(西部中心)

游客中心效果图 Rendering of Tourist Center ©易兰四川(西部中心)


The tourist center is in the core area of the Cloud Top Pasture, which is the best place for viewing clouds, integrating functions such as tourist reception, leisure catering and project display. In the overall environment, the platforms are changed into slopes and the farmland is returned to grassland, highlighting the grass slope characteristics of the alpine pasture like that in Swiss, and the atmosphere is rendered with elements such as windmills, wooden fences and aprons; in the outdoor landscape, the original red sandstone is built into the landscape step to ease the height difference and arouse the memory of the site; architecturally, it is divided into different functional blocks according to the terrain elevation difference, forming an area with the best view in the whole pasture.

游客中心与大风车 Tourist Center and windmill ©易兰四川(西部中心)

停机坪 The apron ©易兰四川(西部中心)

木栅栏景观 Wooden fence landscape ©易兰四川(西部中心)

外围牧场氛围 Pasture atmosphere ©易兰四川(西部中心)

外围花境景观 Flowers habitat landscape ©易兰四川(西部中心)

当地红砂岩运用 Local red sandstone is used ©易兰四川(西部中心)

休息空间 Rest space ©易兰四川(西部中心)

建筑与周边环境的融合The integration of the building with its surroundings ©易兰四川(西部中心)

游客中心餐厅内部 Inside the visitor center restaurant ©易兰四川(西部中心)


Free cloud—the plank road along the cliff

悬崖栈道 Cliff plank road ©易兰四川(西部中心)

悬崖栈道效果图 Rendering of cliff plank road ©易兰四川(西部中心)


The plank road along the cliff is located on the ridge on the west side of the pasture, with a total length of more than 500 meters. It is designed in a modern minimalist method. A ribbon flowing along the ridgeline like a flowing “cirrus cloud” is created with the least lines and colors, which is closely connected with the surrounding mountain environment. Several observation platforms have been built to reflect the surrounding environment at the commanding heights with a good landscape view, making it a good place for overlooking the Tuojiang River and staying in meditation.

悬崖栈道 Cliff plank road ©易兰四川(西部中心)


Deep in the cloud—Farmhouse Forest Hotel

林盘酒店 Linpan Hotel ©易兰四川(西部中心)

林盘酒店效果图 Rendering of linpan Hotel ©易兰四川(西部中心)


A retreat for city dwellers is created by simulating the space form of the “farmhouse forest”. Combining the terrain and the scattered layout of the land, with lush bamboo forests in the west and rustic and luxurious terraces in the east, a quiet and private hotel atmosphere is created, providing a “local” living experience, and better integrating into the surrounding natural environment.

林盘酒店效果图 Rendering of linpan Hotel ©易兰四川(西部中心)

林盘酒店 Linpan Hotel ©易兰四川(西部中心)


In the cloud and mist—the plank road in the forest

林中栈道Plank road in the forest ©易兰四川(西部中心)


In the primary forest in the middle area of the pasture, a plank road in the forest that runs through the trees and clouds is created with trees and plank roads, thus realizing a state in which people, animals and plants do not interfere with each other. While protecting the ecological vegetation, it also creates an experience space in which people grow up in nature, synchronize with nature and blend in nature.

林中栈道效果图 Rendering of plank road in the forest ©易兰四川(西部中心)


Sky mirror—the Pool Leisure Island

水池休闲岛效果图 Rendering of pool leisure island ©易兰四川(西部中心)


The pool symbolizes the “sinking sky mirror” and echoes the “rain” of the cloud. We artistically treated 52 reservoirs of different sizes scattered in the site, kept their circular outlines, and implanted arbor landscapes, flower mirror landscapes, leisure functions and other elements to activate the memory of the site.

水池休闲岛效果图 Rendering of pool leisure island ©易兰四川(西部中心)


Rising cloud—Stone Carving Art Park

石刻艺术公园效果图 Rendering of stone carving Art Park ©易兰四川(西部中心)

石刻艺术公园位于山脊以北的至高点,以岩生灌木地被、沙石地面、大量荒石等为场地背景,植入当代石刻艺术,取“如云涌起”之意境,以自然 未来主义的设计手法,打造荒野中的当代石刻艺术公园。

The Stone Carving Art Park is located at the highest point in the north of the ridge. With the rock shrub ground, sandy ground, and a large number of barren rocks as the site background, the contemporary stone carving art park is created in the wilderness with the design technique of nature futurism, by implanting the contemporary stone carving art.

石刻艺术公园效果图 Rendering of stone carving Art Park ©易兰四川(西部中心)


Rainbow-colored costume—the Rustic and Luxurious Terrace

野奢梯田效果图 Rendering of wild extravagance terraces ©易兰四川(西部中心)


In the local landscape that follows the mountain and the stream, with the current situation of the high drop of the site, the terraced texture, pools and trees of the original site are preserved to the maximum extent. With the perennial ornamental flowers and native plants as the foundation of terraced fields, sightseeing facilities are implanted, and the “local” red sandstone elements are integrated into the site design, thus forming the natural, rustic, luxurious and layered flower sea terraced fields that follow the mountain trend, just like rainbow-colored costumes.

野奢梯田效果图 Rendering of wild extravagance terraces ©易兰四川(西部中心)


Cloud Ease—Cloud Ease Entertainment Area


Located in the central area of the pasture, the children’s paradise on the cloud organically combines the linear rest area with children’s entertainment facilities and the undulating natural terrain, so the design elements connect and have a dialogue with the terrain. Children can feel nature while playing and listen to the dialogue between the sky and the grassland.

云安旱喷游戏效果图 Rendering of YunAn dry spray game ©易兰四川(西部中心)


Spirit rejuvenating—the Spirit Rejuvenating School

炳灵书院效果图 Rendering of Bean ling academy ©易兰四川(西部中心)


There is an ancient temple on the top of the mountain called the “Spirit Rejuvenating Temple”, which means “rejuvenating the spirit”. Here, following the laws of nature and spirit and symbiosis of all things, we changed platforms into steps following the mountain trend, and emphasized the combination of ecological elements and modern elements in building materials, such as loess walls, red sandstone, glass, steel structures, roof tiles. In this way, the buildings are integrated into the environment, as if they had grown naturally from the soil.

炳灵书院效果图 Rendering of Bean ling academy ©易兰四川(西部中心)

炳灵书院室内效果图 Interior rendering of Bean ling academy ©易兰四川(西部中心)













Project information

Project name: Huaizhou Cloud Top Pasture

Location: Chengdu,Sichuan

Client: Chengdu Wufeng Ancient Town Eco-tourism Development Co., Ltd.

Designed by: Ecoland Planning and Design Corp., Sichuan Branch

Design team: Wang Xiaogang Studio

Plot ratio: 0.44

Building area: 10851.47㎡

Site area: 98.3 ha (including planning, architecture, and landscape)

Construction land area: 2.46ha

Constructed by: CCCC Shanghai Dredging Co., Ltd.4.

Photography copyright: Ecoland Planning and Design Corp., Sichuan Branch
