
“打赏”是现如今网络上赞赏授课‬或‬创作表演者的一种形式,当我们普通人只能默默搬砖争取加个鸡腿时,有人却一掷千金用赃款对主播打赏。打赏‬ ‬经常‬用‬以下‬两种‬表达‬。那么“打赏”英文‬该怎么表达呢?今天就让我们来学习一下。


1.tip 给小费,小费,打赏


You can tip the waiters in our hotel by using the Paypal. 你可以通过Paypal打赏我们旅馆里的服务员。I gave the anchorman a tip. 我打赏了主播。

Tip的用法很多,之所以会被用来表示“打赏”,是因为tip用作动词和名词的时候,有一个意思是“(pay) a small amount of money to someone who has provided you with a service, in addition to the official payment and for their personal use”(在正常支付账单之外,给为你提供服务的人员支付的一小笔额外费用,供其个人使用),即“(付)小费”。

比如:He gave the porter a tip/He tipped the porter(他给行李员付了小费)。

2. reward 奖励,奖赏,打赏

My brother often gives me reward for getting high scores. 我哥哥经常会在我取得好成绩的时候。

reward通常指“something (as money) given or offered in return for a service, good behavior, excellent work, etc.”(对接受的服务、良好的表现或者出色的工作等行为做出的奖赏、回报),也可以直接用作动词来表示“奖赏(某人)”。

比如:The company rewarded him for his years of service with a grand farewell party and several presents(公司用一个盛大的派对和很多礼物回馈他多年的工作付出)。

Salespeople who are willing to work longer hours will receive significant rewards(主动加班的销售员会拿到丰厚的回报)。
