

这期专栏简单粗暴,我为大家吐血收集了100个最美英文单词,按照 a-z 排列,并附上音标和发音示范,大家可以边看、边听、边跟读,跟我一起感受一个小小的英文单词蕴含的复杂而美妙的意义。




ailurophile[eɪ’lʊərəfaɪl] a cat-lover 极其喜爱猫的人,喵星人

assemblage[ə’semblɪdʒ] a gatherin 集会、聚集


becoming[bi’kʌmiŋ] attractive 相称的,好看的

beleaguer[bi’li:ɡə] to exhaust with attacks 围攻

brood[bru:d] to think alone 独自沉思

bucolic[bjuː’kɒlɪk] in a lovely rural setting 田园牧歌的

bungalow[‘bʌŋɡələu] a small, cozy cottage 平房,小屋


chatoyant[ʃə’tɔɪənt]] like a cat’s eye 猫眼石,光泽会变化的

comely[‘kʌmlɪ] attractive 清秀的,标志的

conflate[kən’fleit] to blend together 合并

cynosure[ˈsɪnəzjʊə(r)] a focal point of admiration 引人注目的焦点


dalliance[ˈdæliəns] a brief love affair 调情

demesne[dəˈmeɪn] dominion, territory 领地

demure[dɪˈmjʊə(r)] shy and reserved 娴静的,害羞的

denouement[deɪ’nu:mɒ̃] the resolution of a mystery 小说、戏剧的终场

desuetude[‘deswɪtju:d] disuse 废弃

desultory[‘des(ə)lt(ə)rɪ] slow, sluggish 散漫的,断断续续的

diaphanous[dai’æfənəs] filmy 模糊的,透明的

dissemble[dɪˈsembl] deceive 假装,掩饰(感情、意图等)

dulcet[‘dʌlsit] sweet, sugary 美妙的,悦耳的


ebullience[i’bʌljəns] bubbling enthusiasm 兴高采烈,沸腾

effervescent[,efə’vesənt] bubbly 冒泡的,沸腾的

efflorescence[,eflɔ:’resəns] flowering, blooming 开花,粉化

elision[i’liʒən] dropping a sound or syllable in a word 读音省略

elixir[i’liksə] a good potion 长生不老药,炼金药

eloquence[‘eləkwəns] beauty and persuasion in speech 雄辩口才

embrocation[,embrə’keɪʃ(ə)n] rubbing on a lotion 涂擦患处

emollient[i’mɔliənt] a softener 软化剂

ephemeral[ɪ’fem(ə)r(ə)l] short-lived 短暂的,朝生暮死的

epiphany[ɪ’pɪfənɪ] a sudden revelation 顿悟

erstwhile[‘ə:sthwail] at one time, for a time 从前的,往昔的

ethereal[iˈθɪəriəl] gaseous, invisible but detectable 轻的,像空气的

evanescent[,i:və’nesənt] vanishing quickly, lasting a very shorttime 容易消散的,凋零的

evocative[i’vɔkətiv] suggestive 唤起的


fetching[‘fetʃɪŋ] pretty 漂亮的

felicity[fəˈlɪsəti] pleasantness 快乐

forbearance[fɔ:bεərəns] withholding response toprovocation 自制,忍耐

fugacious[fju:’ɡeiʃəs] fleeting 短暂无常的,易逃逸的

furtive[‘fə:tiv] shifty, sneaky 鬼鬼祟祟的


gambol[‘ɡæmbəl] to skip or leap about joyfully 雀跃

glamour[‘ɡlæmə] beauty 迷人的魔力

gossamer[‘ɡɔsəmə] the finest piece of thread, a spider’ssilk 蛛丝,薄纱


halcyon[‘hælsiən] happy, sunny, care-free 宁静,平稳

harbinger[‘hɑ:bindʒə] messenger withnews of the future 预告者


imbrication[,imbri’keiʃən] overlapping and forming a regular pattern 鳞状重叠

imbroglio[im’brəuljəu] an altercation or complicated situation 纠葛,纷扰

imbue[im’bju:] to infuse, instill 灌输,感染

incipient[in’sipiənt] beginning, in an early stage 初始的

ineffable[in’efəbl] unutterable, inexpressible 难以形容的,不可言喻的

ingénue[,ænʒei’nju:] a naïve young woman 天真无邪的少女

inglenook[‘iŋɡlnuk] a cozy nook by the hearth 炉边

insouciance[in’su:sjəns] blithe nonchalance 漫不经心的,无忧无虑的

inure[i’njuə] to become jaded 习惯


labyrinthine[,læbə’rinθain] twisting and turning 迷宫般的

lagniappe[læn’jæp] a special kind of gift 小赠品

lagoon[lə’ɡu:n] a small gulf or inlet 泻湖,咸水湖

languor[‘læŋɡə] listlessness, inactivity 疲倦,无精打采

lassitude[‘læsitju:d] weariness, listlessness 疲惫

leisure[ˈli:ʒər] free time 闲暇

lilt[lilt] tomove musically or lively 轻快的动作

lissome[‘lisəm] slender and graceful 轻快敏捷的

lithe[laið] slender and flexible 轻盈的,柔软的

love[lʌv] deep affection 爱


mellifluous[mə’lifluəs] sweetsounding 蜜糖般的

moiety[‘mɒɪɪtɪ] one of two equalparts 一半

mondegreen[mɔndə’ɡri:n] a slip of theear 误听的词,曲解的词

murmurous[‘mə:mərəs] murmuring 窃窃私语的


nemesis[ˈneməsɪs] an unconquerablearchenemy 天罚,报应


offing [‘ɒfɪŋ] the sea between the horizon and the offshore 较远而可见的海面

onomatopoeia [,ɔnəumætəu’pi:ə] a word that sounds like its meaning 拟声

opulent [‘ɔpjulənt] lush, luxuriant 丰裕的


palimpsest[‘pælimpsest] a manuscript written over earlier ones 重写本

panacea[,pænə’si:ə] a solution for all problems 万能药,灵丹妙药

panoply[‘pænəpli] a complete set 全副盔甲

pastiche[pæs’ti:ʃ] an art work combining materials from various work 混成曲,模仿画

penumbra[pi’nʌmbrə] a half-shadow 半影

petrichor[‘petrɪkə] the smell of earth after rain 雨后泥土的味道

plethora[‘pleθərə] a large quantity 过多过剩

propinquity[prəu’piŋkwiti] an inclination 接近,近亲关系

pyrrhic[‘pirik] successful with heavy losses 付出极大代价换来的成功


quintessential[,kwintə’senʃəl] most essential 精髓的


ratatouille [,rætə’twi:] a spicy French stew 辣味法式炖菜

ravel [‘rævəl] to knit or unknit 纠缠,错综复杂的一团

redolent [ˈredələnt]fragrant 气味强烈的

riparian [raɪˈpeəriən] by the bank of a stream 河畔

ripple [‘rɪp(ə)l] a very small wave 涟漪


scintilla[sɪn’tɪlə] a spark or very small thing 火花闪烁

sempiternal[,sempi’tə:nəl] eternal 永恒的

seraglio[si’rɑ:liəu] rich, luxurious orientalpalace or harem 苏丹宫殿

serendipity[,ser(ə)n’dɪpɪtɪ] finding somethingnice unexpectedly 意外发现的宝贝

summery[‘sʌməri] light, delicate or warm andsunny 如夏的

sumptuous[‘sʌmptjuəs] lush, luxurious 奢华的

surreptitious[,sʌrəp’tiʃəs] secretive, sneaky 鬼鬼祟祟的

susquehanna[səskwi’hænə] a river inPennsylvania 萨斯奎哈纳河

susurrous[sju’sʌrəs] whispering, hissing 喃喃低语的


talisman[‘tælɪzmən] a goodluck charm 护身符

tintinnabulation[‘tinti,næbju’leiʃən]tinkling 叮当声


umbrella[ʌm’brelə] protection from sun or rain 雨伞

untoward[,ʌntə’wɔ:d] unseemly, inappropriate 不幸的,麻烦的


vestigial[ve’stidʒiəl] in trace amounts 残余的


wafture[‘wɑːftʃə] waving 漂浮

wherewithal[‘weəwɪðɔːl] the means 手段

woebegone[‘weubi’ɡɔn] sorrowful 愁眉苦脸的

文/Tara 、责编/花花
