


Igor Sirotov新作,这套顶层极简大平层设计运用水泥灰和原木色搭配,冷暖色调加上灯光碰撞产生的强烈对比,最少的颜色却有着极为丰富的层次感,不动声色勾勒出空间的视觉重点。Igor Sirotov's new work, this top-level minimalist large flat design uses a combination of cement ash and log colors. The cool and warm colors and the strong contrast produced by the collision of lights, the least colors have a very rich sense of hierarchy, which quietly outlines the vision of the space focus.


Igor Sirotov一向以极简纯粹著称,追求的设计魅力洒脱、纯粹,他认为细节和空间是真正影响美学的设计因素,空白是必不可少的元素。简单生活的要义,大多数时候在于居住者对空间的体验和互动关系,愈简单愈有生命力。Igor Sirotov has always been known for his simplicity and purity. He pursues free, easy and pure design charm. He believes that details and space are the design factors that truly affect aesthetics, and white space is an essential element. The essence of simple life, most of the time lies in the occupants' experience and interaction with the space, the simpler the more vitality.

整个空间以裸露的水泥灰为主,搭配自然的木色,追求返璞归真。大面积的落地窗,采光条件非常好。客厅和餐厅在同一直线上,而厨房则是一个独立的空间,其中拱形的水泥门洞非常有特色。The entire space is dominated by exposed cement ash, matched with natural wood color, in pursuit of returning to nature. Large area of floor-to-ceiling windows, the lighting conditions are very good. The living room and the dining room are on the same line, while the kitchen is a separate space, in which the arched concrete door opening is very characteristic.

未经修饰的水泥墙在灯光的映射下,冷清的色调下暗流涌动。客厅的另一侧是一个大型的吧台,可容纳多人。宽大的客厅摆放着多套浅灰色沙发,没有专门的电视背景墙,只采用简单的支架。The unmodified cement wall is reflected by the light, and the undercurrent is surging in the cold tones. On the other side of the living room is a large bar that can accommodate multiple people. There are several sets of light gray sofas in the large living room. There is no special TV background wall, and only simple brackets are used.

生活的气息也在简单的空间中变得饱满,充满涵义。The breath of life also becomes full and full of meaning in the simple space.

主卧宽敞明亮,同样采用裸露的水泥灰和原木色搭配,材质转换与色彩变化平缓而自然过渡,端正稳重,井然有序。设计充分考虑了休憩和舒适度的需要,同时选用独具品质感的灰色床品,使得整个空间色调非常自然,能营造出房间中宁静的氛围。The master bedroom is spacious and bright. It also adopts exposed cement ash and log color matching. The material conversion and color change are smooth and natural transition, which is stable and orderly. The design fully considers the needs of rest and comfort. At the same time, the gray bedding with a unique sense of quality is selected, which makes the color tone of the whole space very natural and can create a quiet atmosphere in the room.

衣帽间和卫生间在同一区域,延续空间的整体色调。化妆台大面积的镜子,大气简约,诠释着主人对美的品味追求与超凡脱俗的气质。The cloakroom and toilet are in the same area, continuing the overall tone of the space. The large-area mirror on the dressing table is simple and atmospheric, and interprets the owner's pursuit of beauty and extraordinary temperament.

卫生间以技术诠释生活态度,追寻设计背后的质朴。精准推敲比例尺度,充分照顾每一寸的室内空间感受、构图审美、细节质感等。The bathroom interprets the attitude of life with technology, and pursues the simplicity behind the design. Accurately deliberating on the scale and taking full care of every inch of interior space, composition aesthetics, detail texture, etc.

儿童房的设计则更具现代童真气息和纯真色彩。空间以浅色为基调,用略微明亮却不失清雅的色彩点缀,含蓄中充满不谙世事的天真,有趣的装置体现出独特的创造性与想象力。The design of the children's room is more modern and childlike and innocent. The space is based on light colors, embellished with slightly bright but elegant colors, and the subtlety is full of unworldly innocence. The interesting installations reflect unique creativity and imagination.

冷静与柔软、沉稳与雀跃的碰撞融合,弥漫着静谧安宁的氛围,舒适温馨。The collision and fusion of calm and softness, calmness and excitement, filled with a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, comfortable and warm.

露台被打造成了一个超舒适的休闲区,顶层视野开阔,可以俯瞰整个城市,这里的感觉会很不一样。The terrace has been made into a super comfortable relaxation area, and the top floor has a wide view overlooking the whole city, and the feeling here will be very different.


Igor Sirotov

Igor Sirotov的建筑世界,简单,结实,极其柔和。它将形式的简单性与空间的复杂性结合在一起。最重要的是,它传达了简单形式所提出的清晰的生活形象。The architectural world of Igor Sirotov, simple, strong, and extremely soft. It combines the simplicity of form with the complexity of space. Above all, it conveys the clear image of life proposed by the simple form.



和谐是这套公寓设计中的灵魂,为了更好地了解一个人,你甚至不需要与他交流,只从他的房子内部装饰就知道,Igor Sirotov的设计是如此不同。Harmony is the soul in the design of this apartment, in order to get to know a person better, you don't even need to communicate with him, only from the interior decoration of his house, Igor Sirotov's design is so different.


这套极简主义风格公寓的灯光运用,非常棒!强烈的个人风格表现力,室内设计中把深灰色用得好,不仅有个性、酷帅,更能凸显出高级感。The lighting in this minimalist apartment is fantastic! Strong personal style expression, dark gray is used well in interior design, not only has personality, cool and handsome, but also highlights the sense of luxury.

设计师更愿意用简单设计去还原灰色,少了多余的负累,欣赏灰色最本我的深邃。合理光源照亮的空间,黑色不会压抑,谦逊地表达自己倔强的态度。Designers prefer to use simple designs to restore gray, without unnecessary burdens, and appreciate the depth of gray. In a space illuminated by a reasonable light source, black will not be oppressive, and humbly express his stubborn attitude.

传递出简约大气之美,衬托出男人稳重而又坚毅的气质。It conveys the beauty of simplicity and atmosphere, and brings out the stable and persevering temperament of men.

内容策划 / 米兰设计之旅

