
一,得到的好好珍惜 错过的慢慢忘记。


Treasure what you get and forget what you miss.


Cheap promises, just forget it

三,人生是一张单程票无法回头。成年人的世界里 合适比喜欢更重要!

Life is a one-way ticket. Suitability is more important than liking in the adult world!

四,大概在成长,也失去了从前的自己。不断遇见不断走散这就是小时候梦寐以求的长大.廉价的承诺听完就忘了吧你迟早知道喜欢 冲动 新鲜感 不是爱。

I'm probably growing up and losing my former self. Constantly meeting and constantly getting separated, this is the dream of growing up when I was a child. Forget the cheap promise after listening. Sooner or later, you will know that liking impulse and novelty is not love

五,路还漫长 珍贵的东西总要慢慢成长。

There is still a long way to go. Precious things always grow slowly.

六,没有结局的事会太多 你要学会相遇和离别。

There will be too many things without ending. You should learn to meet and leave.

七,你说世间什么最煎熬 徒手摘星还是爱而不得。

What do you say is the most difficult thing in the world? You can't pick stars with your bare hands or love them.


The best feeling is that someone understands your words and stops talking.九,足够用心才会足够特别。Enough care is enough to be special.


Princesses don't care about love, they only care about whether their skirts are dirty or not


Never long for anyone to appear by my side, tell me I will accompany you, everything is false.

十二,长大就是 从此笑不再纯粹哭不再彻底。

Growing up is laughing from now on, no longer crying purely, no longer completely

十三,把委屈都咽下去 在坚持一下天就黑了。

Swallow all the grievances. If you persist, it will get dark


Be happy and wear a mask


You will never grow up without experiencing the most painful things.
