


This post looks at some of the idioms that come from boats expressions.本文关注这些和“boat”有关"boat"的习语表达,I hope you could benefit from this post希望有所受益。

  • (one's) boat comes in



*The first thing I'm going to do when my boat comes in is move out of this disgusting little apartment!等我发达了,我第一件事就是离开我这恶心的小公寓.

*They're a very talented animation studio, and I think they'll do great things when their boat finally comes in.他们是一个非常有才华的动画工作室,我认为当他们的机会来临时,定会成就很多伟大的事情

*I have big plans to buy a new house—I'm just waiting for my boat to come in.我想买一个新房子的梦想–就等我飞黄腾达之时

  • push the boat out


If you push the boat out, you spend a lot of money on something, especially in order to celebrate.


*I earn enough to push the boat out now and again. 我挣的钱足以时不时摆摆阔了。

*They really pushed the boat out for their daughter's wedding.他们为了女儿的婚礼真是花费很多钱。

  • burn one's boat/bridges

"自断一切退路"或"义无反顾", 相当于汉语中的"破釜沉舟","自断后路" do something that cannot be easily undone or reversed in the future.


*She is so young that she can not realize that she is burning her boats.她太年轻了,以致于没有意识到她是在自断后路

  • In the same boat

坐在同一条船上 in the same boat, 这就意味着所有人处境相同。社交中交朋友的一个技巧就是要感同身受。To share a particular experience or circumstance with someone else. Personal contacts with new friends, with people 'in the same boat', may be established in order to rebuild a social network.


*And therefore, perhaps, we cannot really blame ourselves – we are all in the same boat.因此,也许,我们不能真的责怪自己—我们都在同一条船上。

*Tom is worried about losing his job. However, we are all in the same boat. If the factory closes we will all lose our jobs.汤姆担心失去工作。然而,我们都在同一条船上。如果工厂倒闭,我们都会失业

  • miss the boat

Miss the boat从字面上理解是"错过了一班船",真正的意思是错过了就没机会了。To lose the chance or opportunity to do something.


*If you don't call the recruiter back right away, you're going to miss the boat.如果你不马上给招聘人员打电话,你会错过机会的。

  • rock the boat

Rock是岩石,还可以做动词使用,表示摇晃,摇动的意思(rock music摇滚音乐)rock the boat是指捣乱,惹麻烦,破坏现状。If you rock the boat, you do or say something that will upset people or cause problems


*He is a good boy and never rocks the boat at school.他是一个听话的男孩,从来不在学校捣乱。

*Don't rock the boat.Things are going well as the way they are.别没事找事,事情发展一切顺利

*I don't want to rock the boat but I think your new plan is going to cause a lot of problems.我不想搞砸,但我认为你的新计划会引起很多问题

  • whatever floats (one's) boat

用来形容"想做什么就做什么,随意"。其实就是"随心所欲,开心就好"Whatever makes one happy; whatever interests or excites (one). Most often heard as "whatever floats your boat."


*A: "What do you want for dinner?" B: "Whatever floats your boat, I'm not even hungry." A: "你晚饭想吃什么?"B: "选你自己喜欢的吧,我都不饿。"

*Cathy does whatever floats her boat without worrying about what other people think of her.凯西只专注做自己喜欢的事,而不担心别人怎么看她。

  • not float (one's) boat

形容不能让人愉快、满意或者兴奋。To not be particularly enjoyable, desirable, or exciting to someone.


*A: "They're showing an old movie in the theater, do you want to go?" B: "No thanks, black and white movies don't really float my boat."A: 影院要播放一部老电影,你想去看看吗? B:不用了,谢谢,黑白电影我真不感冒

*The thought of spending my weekend weeding the back yard for hours doesn't exactly float my boat.一想到周末要花几个小时在后院除草,我就干啥都不起劲了。

  • fresh off the boat

新移民,尤其是指还没有完全适应新国家的语言,文化或者习惯,"初来乍到"(某美剧)Newly immigrated, especially without having yet assimilated(吸收/接受) the host country's language, culture, and/or behavior.


*My father was still fresh off the boat when he moved to US with me in 1999, and he didn't speak a lick of English.我父亲从1999年就和我来到美国了,他还是无法融入,一点英语也不会说。

*My parents met in New York when my father was fresh off the boat from Italy.我父亲从意大利初来乍到时,和我母亲在纽约相遇。

  • a rising tide lifts all boats

水涨船高; 水涨众船高; "水涨众船高",因为经济的整体改善将惠及所有参与者,经济策略应将改善宏观经济环境作为第一要务


*He has stated that "We believe that a rising tide of economic growth should lift all boats, not just the super yachts."他曾说过"我们认为经济增长如水位上涨,应该抬高所有船只,而不仅仅是超级游艇"

*Thanks to the economy doing so well lately, our business has been booming. I guess it's really true what they say, that a rising tide lifts all boats.由于最近经济发展得很好,我们的生意一直很兴旺。我想他们说"水涨船高"是真的发生了。

  • slow boat to China

英文里面有个比喻"On a slow boat to China"--慢船去中国,这个约定俗成的说法,形容一个漫长的无所事事的过程。和中国没有什么关系,只是一个碰巧遥远的地方罢了。特别是在结论或目的地不确定的情况下。有时幽默地或开玩笑地使用。


*Unfortunately, our investments seem to be on a slow boat to China at the moment due to the volatility of the market.不幸的是,由于市场的波动性,我们的投资目前似乎遥遥无期。

*I'd love to get you on a slow boat to China, you and me.我想带着你开启一个遥远的旅行,只有你和我

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